I suppose I’d best start with an introduction. My name is Gregg and I’m 28. I am originally from St Austell in Cornwall but I am currently living in Swansea.
I started fishing at around the age of ten I’d guess after pestering my Dad to take me after seeing the fishing section at Trago Mills. The first trips I remember were sea fishing trips to Par Docks and Black Head float fishing, with a small blue fiberglass spinning rod. I can’t honestly remember what the first fish I caught but the chances are it was a pollack as I seem to remember us catching a few of these early on.
We soon progressed to mackerel fishing with feathers and silver shrimp off the rocks at Black Head. I can remember my dad getting himself a beach caster to add to the blue spinning rod and before long we were catching a lot of mackerel. I can also remember us catching wrasse and a dog fish at Black Head but most of the time we targeted mackerel.
I was content with this for a while but then I discovered that one of my school friends went freshwater fishing with his dad. I can remember going with them once to Bilberry pool which is part of Roche Angling Club (RAC) and from that point on I pestered my dad to try freshwater fishing.
We joined RAC in the early to mid 90’s and I think I started with the very basics of one match rod and a net with the addition of a second match rod coming soon after, which was bought cheap at a car boot sale ( I still have these!). We began with the basics of float fishing and started catching the usual roach, rudd, perch and the occasional eel.
Another place I used to go as a kid around this time was a place we called Square Pool between Bowling Green and Kerrow Moor which was free to fish. I can remember going there several times with other kids from school and catching roach, rudd, perch and the occasional brown trout. I seem to remember someone catching a reasonable sized bream there once also.
We also went a few times to a place my friends called St Georges near Roche Rock which I think was an old clay pit. It used to be quite over grown but was prolific for perch and brown trout, I think this pool has been cleared and is private now.
It was at RAC’s Wheal Rashleigh Pool that I first saw people properly targeting carp with their bivvies and rod pods etc. The first time I saw a carp caught it seemed to me like a whale and naturally I wanted to catch one. I had also heard y friend at school telling me how his dad had caught Tench up to nearly 7lb and a carp of about 14lb from Bilberry where they primarily fished. This fuelled my desire even further.
We tried in vain a few times at Wheal Rashleigh to catch a carp with my new Sundridge carp rod bought from Trago Mills. I was getting a bit frustrated so my dad took me to Whiteacres near Newquay. I caught my first ever carp there, a 6lb ghost carp from the eery lake. I returned to Whiteacres several times with school friends and it proved to be extremely prolific as it was so heavily stocked. I caught several carp there up to about the 15lb mark and sometimes the number of carp caught in a day would run into double figures! It was here that I perfected the basics of carp fishing.
I was still fishing Wheal Rashleigh with my dad and eventually I landed my first carp there which I think weighed 13lb and I was over the moon. It wasn’t long after that I landed another from Wheal Rashleigh and soon we became quite consistent. By this time we had added some extra tackle with a second silstar carp rod, my dads home made rod pod and some optonic bite alarms. Baits were predominantly Richworth’s tutti frutti or strawberry flavor boilies which were awesome back then.
We didn’t do too many long sessions down at Wheal Rashleigh but we were there quite frequently. I remember the first night session we did it got so windy that we couldn’t fish. The bobbins we had would blow about and keep setting the alarm off and every so often the rods would blow right off the alarm. (This was a design fault with the original optonic alarms and a modified “ear” was made available as a modification which they had the cheek to charge for). We took the baits out of the water and huddled in our little dome tent to shelter from the wind and rain. In the morning we found that rats had chewed off our boilies hair and all!
I remember doing lots of after school evening sessions down at Weal Rasleigh and eventually I landed my first fish over 20lb there, a 21lb mirror carp. I think I was about 14 and and I sent the picture of to Anglers Mail. I think the biggest I caught from Wheal Rashleigh was about 22lb 8oz and I think dad caught a common carp around 22 lb. I’m not sure what the lake record was at the time but I guess it was around 25 lb so we were doing pretty well. I had certainly never heard of fish anywhere near 30 lb being caught although I hear that they go over this in there now.
Carp fishing had taken over by this time and so my dad had sold the sea fishing tackle we had. The last year I think that we were members at RAC was in 1999 as I found a membership booklet for this year amongst the tackle and it was also the year I left to join the army. So from about 1999 to 2005 fishing pretty much ceased entirely. I left the army and went to university in Swansea and I did the odd one or two fishing trips here and there whilst back in Cornwall during the summers, at local day ticket waters.
In September last year I was talking to someone I knew in Swansea who was also used to do a bit of fishing. This led me to investigate a couple of places nearby namely the Fendrod Lake and Gowerton Pond. I also found a blog online about fishing in Swansea called Carp Coarse and Swansea by Dan Jones. These all helped to reignite the spark and I asked my dad to bring up all the old tackle and I joined Brynmill Angling Club.
I went a fair bit in September mostly at Gowerton Pond and Brynmill’s Half Round Ponds (HRPs). I caught a few carp from both places with Gowerton being more prolific but with a smaller weight average. The best I managed from Gowerton was about 13lb and 19lb from the HRPs. I attempted the Fendrod about three times and managed two single figure carp and an 8 lb 8 oz bream.
The start of my final year of university meant that my fishing pretty much stopped by the beginning of October. I have however recently graduated and hopefully will now find the time for plenty of fishing. I hope to get back into sea fishing as well as general coarse fishing. There are species of fish that I’ve never caught that I’d like to at least attempt to catch, and of course every angler wants to improve on the size of fish they have caught.
The aim of this blog is therefore to keep a diary of fishing trips documenting objectives, locations, techniques etc here forth. This will be useful as a personal reference and for anyone else who cares to read it. Hopefully there will be the opportunity to share tips and information with some of you to help achieve our goals.
Cheers for now.